Tuesday, March 31, 2009

jewlery making 'til the witching hour

the fruits of our labor:

{ by h.p. }

{ by h.p. }

{ fer J.A.N. }

{ these creations MAY be making an appearance at A. Michele on Selby Ave. in St. Paul }

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

from me to you.

crucial absolutely do not's for boyz...
(Read & take notes. fer real.)

1. Do not make texting your prime mode of communication. It is the kiss of death.

Note: if you are partaking in texting, be aware of how many you are sending. 62 in a day is WAY too many.
And if she doesn't respond, do not continue to send texts. No, her phone is not dead. No her phone did not get run over by a bus. She is getting every message. If she wanted to respond, she would.

2. Do not call a girl a bitch, ho, or any variation there of of--even if it is in jest, or you think she has a great sense of humor, or her girlfriends use said terminology...we may smile and joke back, but we are not laughing on the inside. Anytime these words leave a mans lips, they sound chauvinistic.

3. Do not brag or glorify substance (ab)use. This is not attractive to girls. Keep it real. Talk about things that make you unique, or talk about how much you like her. We could care less about how great the head shops are near your apartment, or how wasted you got in your dorm room last weekend.

4. Do not fail to call her (back). If you like her, show her how dependable and reliable you are. This will be interpreted as interest and, trust me, it will make you stick out among the masses of other men that are competing for this ladie's attention.

5. Do not assume that you are the only guy fawing for her affections. If you like a girl, it is probably a safe bet that other dudes do too.

Bottom line: You have one shot. Give it your all and don't screw it up.



taro bubble tea.

Memories of Vosges in Vegas.
{bianca sipping chocolate}

Move over bigelow, this is my new tea obsession


Sunday, March 1, 2009



. was self-diagnosed with peter-pan syndrome.
. committed myself once again to a journey south with my favorite girl.
. looked like spring time.
. was too selfish.
. ate ice cream in the snow.
. didn't sleep in my own bed.
. stayed up until tomorrow.
. ate red velvet cake.
. had an incurable headache.
. was discouraged 7 times in 12 hours.
. found an inspiring shop,
. then saw an opportunity and pounced.
. tried to create without creativity.
. helped a friend create a butterfly.
. had a zombie night.
. was attacked by a mountain man.
. learned how to really spoon.
. was dubbed madame exotica.
. gave a gift of song.
. really missed my mogwai.
. felt at home.